This Sunday, Bret Weinstein et. al., have organized what they hope will be a massive meeting of American patriots. The stated goal of the meeting’s organizers is “Rescue the Republic”.
I would surely attend, if I could, and would certainly speak, if invited. Unfortunately, I haven’t enough funds to afford the cost of travel and lodging, and I do not share the same notoriety of those who have been invited to speak. This said, my message will surely be THE missing message at the rally, for there is nothing more important to a republican form of government than a voluntary, free, market economy and collective ownership of the money supply.
The likelihood that any of the speakers will address directly the combined issue of private property and our nation’s money supply is small. Yes, some will surely speak about Bitcoin and other forms of crypto-currency as the cure for our nation’s and the world’s current financial dilemma. I would listen to these with important skepticism — and this, despite the grand success that Bitcoin has had in El Salvador. Bitcoin is neither a solution for the state of the US dollar, nor the global money supply. And, some will surely disparage the collective ownership of property in general as the scourge of Marxist philosophy. Unfortunately, both will miss the point.
The American republic — well, at least as it was conceived — is founded on the democratic notion of the “consent of the governed”. In brief, if the people do not want it, it should not be. Without the ownership of private property, however, there is no self-reliance and no way to insist that government serve the governed. And this, for the simple reason that government can easily sever one’s means to one’s livelihood, when you do not behave.
Voluntary free markets, though not perfect in their execution, are solid in their concept. And, if the right of ALL individuals — both rich and poor — to their person and property is properly defended by their government, there exists no better means than the voluntary, free market for allocating our earth’s scarce resources and distributing the output of our labor and the exploitation of our land and oceans’ waters.
As money is the lifeblood of the voluntary, free market, it is the only property of the market place that should be collectively owned — namely, by all those who use it for their own personal use. Although it can be regulated by government as part of the public domain, it cannot be owned by anyone, but the people. For, it is only in this way that resources can be properly allocated and output fairly distributed. Currently the global supply of money is not owned by the people at large; rather, it is owned by those who issue it and the governments who authorize its issue. We, the people, own only the right of use, we do not share in the right of title. This is unfortunate.
The collective ownership of money is crucial to the success of a republic. Just like those who do not own their own property (real money is a form of property), a society that does not own its own money is dependent on its government for its livelihood. Indeed, the American state can take from us, the people, whatever it wants by simply authorizing a greater issue of the current money supply and then spending it into existence. What the government buys, we, the people, cannot.
Today, the world is bordering on financial chaos, as it has many times since the invention and institutionalization of fractional reserve banking in London, England in 1694. This is because statutory counterfeit — the paper and electrons that are issued by banks with the authorization of government — is, indeed, counterfeit. It is created for next to nothing and lent and spent into existence for a value far higher than what it cost to produce. It represents an indirect transfer of real wealth from those who use it to those who own it. The greatest benefactors of such a money supply are those who authorize its issue (the state), those who issue it (the banks), and those who obtain it first (usually large corporations and others who service the banks and the state) and then spend it into circulation before prices have had a chance to rise. This triad of interests represents the established elite. They have been with us for the past 330 years! Simply, they have grown ever wealthier over the centuries.
Institutionalized fractional reserve banking is institutional theft. As such, there is no one to guard the hen house, and the foxes proliferate until there are no hens left to eat, whereupon they panic. This is the current state of the world. Never before has the theft been so great, and never before has the pending financial crisis been so large. We know that we are nearing a moment of financial reckoning by the deception, censorship, and threat of legal prosecution that prevail. All of this is purposeful, for during such times the more knowledgeable are pushed aside in favor of the knowledgeable who adhere to the precepts of the current political, economic, and spiritual establishment. This makes the implementation of market correction and the resurrection of the same or similarly foul monetary practices possible.
Now there are those who point to demonic forces and encourage everyone to pray to their God in an effort to overcome them. This is today’s mantra of the political right, and it is pulling many from the center of America’s neurotic bipolar political system into their spiritual fold. Their God, of course, is the Holy Christian Trinity, and their conduit to salvation from these demonic forces is, of course, Jesus Christ.
It is said, that Jesus was both a man and God, and if you have been watching The Chosen directed by Dallas Jenkins, then the message could not be clearer. Christ was of humble origin with a message of devotion to a divine spiritual order that can only be attained upon one’s death. Christ rejected all worldly endeavor that did not point toward this order. This did not mean that you could not be worldly; simply your worldliness needed to point in the direction of the divine order.
Now compare Christ’s message with that of John Lennon in his song Imagine that is sung nearly every year in Times Square just before the “Ball Drop” on New Year’s Eve.
Imagine there's no heaven.
It's easy if you try.
No hell below us Above us only sky.
Imagine all the people living for today.
Imagine there's no countries.
It isn't hard to do.
Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too.
Imagine all the people living life in peace.
You may say I'm a dreamer,
But I'm not the only one.
I hope someday you'll join us.
And the world will be as one.
Imagine no possessions.
I wonder if you can.
No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man.
Imagine all the people sharing all the world.
You may say I'm a dreamer,
But I'm not the only one.
I hope someday you'll join us.
And the world will live as one.
(John Lennon. 1968. Imagine.
It was first released on October 11th
in the United States
under the Apple Records label.
America and much of the West have been left with two imagined promises: one, an honest appraisal of the human condition and a promise of paradise in an imagined land called Heaven; and two, a promise of paradise on earth with a completely dishonest appraisal of the human condition.
Now, imagine that the same people promote both messages for the same reason, and that those who believe in either of the two aforementioned message are honest in their desire for hope and salvation — namely, a better future and a world without pain.
Personally, I prefer the first message, because I can live comfortably with those who appraise the reality of the human condition, as do I — no matter what they believe happens to them when they die. In contrast, I find it most difficult to live comfortably with those who appraise the human condition wrongly, and would make something of humanity that it is not, and likely can and will never be.
Dreams are a way for the individual mind to purge itself of the mental disorder of the previous day. What mechanism, however, have we at our disposal to purge ourselves of those who would create chaos and confusion to disguise the truth about our money supply and better subjugate and exploit us?
In liberty,
Roddy A. Stegemann, First Hill, Seattle 98104
Author of Mount Cambitas - The Story of Real Money and “A Call for the Restoration of Monetary Order”.
After all, President Trump has bragged about his son, Bar
As Bret Weinstein is an evolutionary biologists who was once the victim of undeserved racial hatred there is a good chance that someone will speak about the evolution of human social institutions, the continuance of our specie, and our nation’s “birth defect” — the introduction of plantation slavery to the North American continent. Unfortunately, our struggling republic was born with a second, but unfortunately unrecognized “birth defect” — namely, our nation’s money supply. In the end, who wants to “rescue” a republic that was so deeply flawed at the outset?