Why subscribe?

Have you ever climbed a distant peak to which you have never been?

You know that other people have climbed it, so you are confident that it is reachable. Simply, you do not have a map and must depend on a miscellany of worn and not-so-worn paths that you find along the way — some are marked and some are not. And then, there is gravity always pushing down to remind you that you are going up. This latter is the best of guides that you are moving in the proper direction. Your goal is to create a map along the way that others can follow with relative ease.

If you would like to participate in such an adventure, then I encourage you to subscribe.

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By subscribing you will always have each new addition in your mailbox and never have to return to the site for the next, unless, of course, you wish to participate in the planning as we climb.

In the comments section you may ask questions about unclear terrain, express concern about the safety of same, and even help decide the next path to take. Remember: the purpose of the book is to create a path for others to follow.

Though I have never been to the top; I have learned from others that it is very revealing once arrived.


About half way up the mountain, I realized that others could be making the same journey with the same, or even their own rhythm at the same starting point as the rest of us who have already climbed much farther up the mountain. To this end I created a scheduling page that will allow you to start at the same point where everyone before you and to enjoy some of the same features of the Ave Verum website in the Substack domain, as well as others — especially, the creation of your own reading schedule.

You can access the aforementioned scheduling page by opening the spiritof2021.online domain splash page and clicking where it reads Mount Cambitas - The Story of Real Money. For the moment there is no charge even though it appears that there is one.

Join the crew

I was attracted to this site by the likes of Glenn Greenwald, Edward Snowden, Matt Taibbi, Aaron Maté, and others.

To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit substack.com.

Subscribe to I'm American!

America is a philosophy of governance with a history. It is a conviction about the way a people should be governed. Either you share this conviction with your fellow citizens, and you are American. Or, you do not share it, and you become someone other.


Formally trained in the economics, anthropology, and literature of modern liberalism. Self-trained in the political economy and history of classical liberalism.