An important reason why history must not only be taught, but properly understood in American schools today.
The incremental encroachment on the part of the Israelis builds in the hearts of Arab-Palestinians as they watch their houses demolished and their property stolen one at a time. At some point the Hamas take advantage of the build up, attack the Israelis, and the Israelis retaliate causing far more damage to the Arab-Palestinians than the Arab-Palestinians ever could. The world looks on with horror. The bitter sentiment felt on the part of the Arab-Palestinians is replaced with deep sorrow, and they resign themselves to their fate, while the Israelis continue their encroachment until the next build-up and the cycle repeats itself.
My sympathy goes out to the Arab and Jewish Palestinians who are caught between the greed of the Israeli State and the wrath of the Hamas.1
Like the land encroachment of the Israeli state and those Israelis who support it, the damage caused by statutory counterfeit is incremental in the long-run, and horrific in the short-run.
In the long-run statutory counterfeit serves as a relentless incremental transfer of real wealth from the many to the few who issue it — say, one to two percent annual inflation for a prolonged period. At some point the incremental nature of the theft can no longer be contained. Those who issue it become reckless, the inflation turns from incremental to rampant, and the market explodes. This is the economic boom-and-bust cycle or so-called business cycle that is touted as a natural occurrence, and that has existed ever since the introduction of statutory counterfeit and the creation of the Bank of England in 1694. The bank was founded to fund King William III’s war and obsession against King Louis XIV of France. King William was married to Queen Mary II. You may have heard of the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia.
History makes the incremental long-term aspects of both processes obvious. Once properly revealed among enough people, we could avoid the long-term detrimental and short-term horrific effects of both.
Neither the boom-and-bust cycle, nor the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is accidental. They are both desired by those who profit from them — namely, the bankers who issue the counterfeit and the governments who permit it in the case of the boom-and-bust cycles, and the Israeli state and the Hamas in the case of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Those who champion government in either process are on the wrong side of the struggle. They are either ignorant or complicit.
In liberty,
Roddy A. Stegemann, First Hill, Seattle 98104
Author of Mount Cambitas - The Story of Real Money
I use the term Jewish Palestinians in reference to those Jews living in the State of Israel who understand, but like the Arab Palestinians on both sides of the ever-changing Israeli border are helpless before the Israeli state. They are a minority in a state that pretends to be a democracy when, in fact, it is an theocratic oligarchy run by the Israeli Supreme Court. Ask Jan Jekielek, if you do not believe me.