Last time we examined the banking industry as an important source of lending and discussed the important role that it would play in the balancing of real savings and real investment in a real economy with real money. It was, in one regard, a rather puerile approach to the reality with which we are currently faced. It serves, however, as a goal toward which our nation should be striving. Those who call for a return to the basic principles on which our nation was founded, but fail to take into account our nation’s money supply are misinformed at best, and disingenuous or thieves at worse.
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Let's End the Money Racket (XI)
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Last time we examined the banking industry as an important source of lending and discussed the important role that it would play in the balancing of real savings and real investment in a real economy with real money. It was, in one regard, a rather puerile approach to the reality with which we are currently faced. It serves, however, as a goal toward which our nation should be striving. Those who call for a return to the basic principles on which our nation was founded, but fail to take into account our nation’s money supply are misinformed at best, and disingenuous or thieves at worse.